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A new adventure awaits – the Ocean Globe Race continues from Cape Town to Auckland

The sailing world’s gaze turns once again to the southern hemisphere as the sailors of the Ocean Globe Race prepare for the next leg – a challenging journey from Cape Town to Auckland. The 7250 nautical mile journey is a true test of a mariner’s skills and courage. In the Southern Ocean, the boats and their teams will be tested by winds blowing at 40 knots, violent storms, and towering, furious waves.

Photo: Alvin Hirner

After the victory of the first leg, Spirit of Helsinki hoists its sails high with confidence, trust, and humble respect for the conditions of the southern seas. The boat’s captain, Jussi Paavoseppä, states: “We embark on the first leg of the Southern Ocean with great respect. We’re expecting stronger winds, bigger waves – our united team is ready to hoist the sails and head into a new adventure.”

This challenging leg will test the crews’ abilities to navigate, anticipate weather conditions, and make quick decisions in a new way. Over the next estimated five weeks, the competitors will face new technical and tactical challenges arising from the unique conditions, solving which will require skill and expertise both individually and at a team level. On this demanding leg, it’s possible that not only the rigging screws will creak and groan in the boats.

Photo: Susanne Nyman

As the competitors set sail today, they must observe not only the conditions and the decisions of their rivals but also themselves. This is where the deepest essence of sailing lies – at its best, and at its worst, it is a test during which the journey is made not only at sea and on a sea chart but also inside one’s own head. The team that manages this the best is in a strong position when it comes to which crew will be the first to drop anchor in Auckland.

The crew of Spirit of Helsinki for the second leg of the Ocean Globe Race:

Jussi Paavoseppä, Matti Anttila, Jouko Kallio, Ian Herbert-Jones, Tommi Uksila, Hilla Paananen, Veera Toivanen, Aaro Immonen, Mika Von Svetlick, Ata Kaukonen and Topi Simola.

Photo: Susanne Nyman

Fair winds to the crew of Spirit of Helsinki and to all other competitors. Sails up and towards Auckland!

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